Friday, June 29, 2007

One strange day

I wonder if I shouldn't have stayed in bed....the day began and ended with power outages (rather uncommon in the summer); that should have been a clue that the moon was in weird. Instead, I cluelessly sallied forth, and my day happened as follows....

1) I managed to dent my bumper (badly) when, as I was pulling into a parking space near my house coming home after walking the dog, I smacked right into the brick surround a neighbor had put around his street tree (exactly to avoid damage from idiots like me, I'm sure). Flustered and angry at myself (I'm not the best parallel-parker at the best of times, but I usually don't run into anything), I grabbed dog, hoodie, keys, cell phone, wallet, and self and got us all up the stairs and into the house without further incident.
2) I'd gone home between the afternoon rehearsal and evening's performance. As I was driving back to work, I did something I've NEVER done before in my life, and it rattled me pretty badly; I ran a red light. I'd stopped and waited, as usual, and when the car in front of me made a (perfectly legal) right turn, I simply trundled right through the intersection after him as if the light had changed, only realizing my mistake after I'd cleared it and the bright red color of the light registered in my foggy little brain. I am incredibly grateful that I didn't hurt anyone. I am ALSO incredibly grateful that I didn't get busted for it, because I would have been in deep Kim Chee--
3) When I went to lock up my cell phone, wallet, and keys before going onstage, I discovered my wallet was missing. That's right--if I'd been pulled over, I would not have had my drivers' license to show Mr/Ms. Police Officer. What fun!

But, all's well that ends well...I was able to get through the performance without letting the day's events throw me, I got home safely, and sure enough, my wallet was sitting in the pocket of my dog-walking hoodie--right where I'd thoughtlessly shoved it when I got home this morning. And there was a beautiful full moon accompanying me on my way down 101, playing hide and seek with the fog and reminding me that whatever had happened--whether I'd actually lost my wallet or not, whether I'd been cited or not, whether my car was messed up or not--it was going to be OK, that it was really a small blip in the grand scheme of things.

Now, if I could just get my 'check engine' light to turn off before I drive up north to visit my family tomorrow....

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