Monday, June 21, 2010

Grumpy thoughts on Pride

This weekend happens to be Pride weekend here in the city of fog and shadows, and, along with the usual glitter and beer-soaked festivities, there will be the annual Pride parade.

You know what I think?

I think that we shouldn't be having a pride parade.

You know why?
LGBT people shouldn't have to march in the streets to assert their right to BE.
LGBT people shouldn't have to fly a big colorful flag in our faces, ride motorcycles across Market street, or sashay their way in high heels and not much else until they've earned sunburns on body parts not normally exposed to the light of day, to assert their right to love-and marry -whomever they want.
Everyone should be able to feel pride in who they are every single fucking day of the year...and we are not truly a democratic free country as long as that is not the case.

That's all I'm sayin'.
Oh--and you kids, get off'n my f***ing lawn!!

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