Thursday, March 10, 2011

Journal of a Silence, Day 6

I had a very quiet day at home. I mostly worked in the yard; weeding the flower garden, hacking back the overgrown lavender, planting some poppies, being entertained by the finches and sparrows at my feeders, and cutting some greens for salad, in between the gentle showers that seem to come and go with regularity. I've managed silence all day, but only because I haven't left the house (and you know what that means...CABIN FEVAH!). Boring as this all is, at least I can assuage my frustration by knowing I've accomplished something.

Still....I have an odd sense of discomfort, like something bad's going to happen. I don't associate that with the vocal rest, though--more with my general antsiness, and the fact that I drank a cup of hot chocolate to warm up after I came in from the yard work. I've noticed that the worst thing about growing older is that I can't just eat/drink whatever I want anymore--for instance, a cup full of sugar and half and half leaves me feeling antsy, slightly nauseous, unfocused, and irritable. I never used to be this sensitive to things like that--what happened?

It also seems to make me the most boring blogger in the free white Western world, it seems.

I'm less than 24 hours away from freedom....but it still can't come soon enough.

* Grf.=a small, polite growl, usually of frustration with the current situation.

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